Spring Cleanse Program

Get your mind and body ready for summer with this spring cleanse program, designed to help increase your energy, pump up your vitality and build confidence.

I'm not one to talk about getting your body "bikini-ready" for summer. I'm also not going to give you 3 simple steps to get a "beach body" while you sleep. Those are all "get rich" fast schemes that focus only on giving you short term fixes that aren't sustainable. I'm not saying that you shouldn't want to look great in a bathing suit, but I want you to look and feel great every day of the year. I want you to learn to have a healthy lifestyle so you can have unlimited energy to spend with family and friends all summer long, as well as into the fall and winter. That's why I'm offering a spring cleanse program that addresses both the mind and the body.

I can tell you what to eat, and what foods to avoid, and I will, but diet goes so much deeper. It's tied to self confidence, family dynamics, what you think and how you spend your time. To simply tell you to stop eating sugar (sorry, spoiler alert, sugar has to go), is not going to change your life, though it is one step to a healthier system.

With this spring cleanse program, we'll address diet, as well as the psychology of the way you eat. We'll talk about the emotions that motivate your eating habits, and boy, can they be tightly wound together. Your thoughts are powerful and they set the agenda for your day and life, so let's make sure your thinking the right thoughts since they're running your life!

I deliver a 6 week transformational diet program, via email in 1 downloadable package, that you can take at your own pace. If you're traveling, bring the program with you or work on one lesson for two weeks while you're out of town so you really cement things. Then pick up where you left off when you return. If you read the first lesson and can't wait another day for lesson 2, you'll have it so you can begin when you like, not when someone else tells you.

There's meal plans, shopping lists, recipes and strategies to transform the way you eat and think, and exercises to help you make permanent change. You can read more about each week's topics and further details of the spring cleanse program here.

I'm excited to add a new option to the diet this year: personal one on one coaching with me. If you're feeling like it might be too much to make this transformation on your own, I have a package that includes 3 coaching calls, in addition to the diet program. We talk once, before you begin the program to discuss your goals and any fears, and then we have a check-in call halfway through to see how you're doing and feeling. There's one final call at the end to talk about how to make permanent change and turn the program into your new lifestyle.

If you're more of an independent type who likes to take things on your own, no problem. You can purchase just the diet program so you can go your own pace. I'm always here for feedback and to answer questions along the way. You can even decide after you finish if you might like some one on one coaching to address some unexpected feelings that arose over the 6 weeks. There's many options.

The fact that you've read this far means that you may not be happy with where you are with your health, but that you are interested in making some positive changes. You can start right now by combing through the loads of clean eating recipes right here. My recipes are all gluten free, dairy free and sugar free. There's options for vegan and paleo diets as well. I even have a recommended pantry staples list with some of the frequently used items in my kitchen that you can download if you're looking for some specific pointers right this second.

You can read more details about the spring cleanse program here and learn more about my background and how I got on this clean eating journey. If you're ready to dive in, choose the program below that works best for you.

6-Week Spring Cleanse

  • Done-for-you daily meal plans
  • Time-saving shopping list
  • Easy to follow recipes
  • Tips to save time and money
  • Which foods to eat
  • Which foods to avoid
  • Strategies to transform the way you think
  • Why you know how to eat right, but just don’t do it
  • Exercises to help you delve deep and experience permanent change
  • Diet Journal to track your daily progress

Diet PLUS Coaching

  • Receive the entire 6 week Transformational Nutrition Diet, plus two hours of personal coaching.
  • We'll speak for an hour before you begin your program to discuss your goals and customize your experience.
  • We'll have a half hour check-in call at the mid-way point to check progress and make any adjustments.
  • The last half hour call will take place once you complete the program so we can discuss results and continuing your progress.

Wishing everyone a healthy and productive spring and summer season!

Spring Cleanse Diet Program | TastingPage.com